If you are a crochet lover, then you know how fun and rewarding it is to pick out and handmake Christmas presents and Birthday gifts for your special friends and family.

Even if you’re relatively new to the crochet game , there are so many wonderfully easy patterns you can do. In fact, there are a number of things that you can easily crochet right now and have them finished by the end of the day. I’ve prepared somme of my favorite beginner crochet patterns to share with you. These are things that would make wonderful gifts too so if you need a gift quickly, grab those crochet hooks and get started!


Before you start, be sure to pin these patterns to your crochet stitch tutorials on Pinterest!


My two main criteria for most of mY crochet gifts are Time and Difficulty. The time is takes to make it and how complicated the pattern is.


I absolutely love receiving handmade gifts! No matter who you may need a gift for, the patterns here will help. Most of these only take an hour or so to finish so they’re quick gifts that are also easy to crochet. They’re also easy patterns and things that you can easily finish in an hour or less in most cases.


Crocheted Hot Pad – crochet gift idea

Any woman would love receiving a hand crocheted hot pad for her kitchen and you can make these in just about an hour each. The design is lovely in the shape of a heart, and it’s the perfect last minute gift for someone who has everything.

This heart shaped pot holder uses 2 strands of cotton held together, making it thick and durable! It’ll work perfect for hot dishes or just looking cute in the kitchen. For any occasion, this pattern is considered one of the best, easy and great crocheted gift idea.

Continue reading to the end of the post to find the free pattern.


Easy Crochet Mug Warmer – crochet gift idea


This easy crochet mug warmer works up really quickly and make the perfect gift for any coffee or tea lover. You use only half double and single crochet stitches, so it’s perfect for beginners. You could easily work this up in an hour or less. It attaches to itself with a button and button hook so there’s no complicated turning or stitching to finish it. You can easily make a set of two in an evening while watching a movie.


It makes an awesome last minute Christmas or Birthday gift for men as well as women plus this pattern uses very little yarn so it’s also a stash buster. Are you now convince that it at makes a easy and great crocheted gift idea?

Continue reading to the end of the post to find the free pattern.


Beautiful Crochet Snowflakes – crochet gift idea


Want to make your Christmas tree or holiday decorations extra special this year? Who doesn’t, right? Well, if you have even just a little bit of experience crocheting, you can totally make your own ornaments fairly quickly and easily.

This crochet snowflakes pattern uses fairly simple stitches. What’s more, if you do mess up on one of them, you won’t have t o unravel hours and hours worth of work. That’s why I consider it the best easy and great crocheted gift idea.


Continue reading to the end of the post to get the free pattern.

Crocheted Hot Pad Pattern


This crocheted hot pat makes a easy and great crocheted gift idea. The design is lovely in the shape of a heart, and it’s the perfect last minute gift for someone who has everything.


Gauge is not important for this project but you can follow the gauge below if you want your pot holder to be the exact size of mine.


5 stitches by 6 rows in SC = 2” by 2” square.
Adjust hook size up or down to meet gauge.


● Medium (4) Weight Cotton Yarn
Approx. 1.5 oz / 72 yards 
● Hook: 4,5 
● Yarn Needle    
● Scrissors




st – stitch

sl st – slip stitch


dc – double crochet

3dc CL tree double crochet cluster

Yo: yarn over


Special Stitches

3dc cluster –  (yo, insert hook in same st, yo, pull through st, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook) 3 times, yo, pull through all 4 lps on hook, to complete the 2Double crochet cluster ch 1.



  • This project is worked in rows. 
  • Try using different colors and if you wat you can attach an haging loop. Try different colors materials for the hanging loop!

Want the ad-free, easy to print PDF? Find pattern and many other patterns for a small price HERE.



Ch 5, join with sl st to form a ring.

Row 1: ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch-1 sp), 3dc in the circle, ch1, dc in the circle.

Row 2: ch 4 and turn the work, 3dc in the first ch-1 sp, ch 1, 3dc in the next ch-1 sp, ch 1, dc in the same ch-1 sp.

Row 3: ch 4 and turn the work, 3dc in the first ch-1 sp, ch 1, 3dc in the next ch-1 sp, ch 1, 3dc in the second ch-1 sp, ch 1, dc in the same sp.


Row 4: ch 4 and turn the work, [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] repeat in the next 3 ch-1 sps,  ch 1, dc in the same sp.

Row 5: ch 4 and turn the work, [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] repeat in the next 4 ch-1 sps,  ch 1, dc in the same sp.

Row 5: ch 4 and turn the work, [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] repeat in the next 5 ch-1 sps,  ch 1, dc in the same sp.


Row 6: ch 4 and turn the work, [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] repeat in the next 6 ch-1 sps,  ch 1, dc in the same sp.

Row 7: ch 4 and turn the work, [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] repeat in the next 7 ch-1 sps,  ch 1, dc in the same sp. (7sets of 3 dc,

Now we stop increasing.

Row 8: ch4, [work 3 dc sts between the first and the second set of 3dc from the previous row, ch1, continue working [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] in the next 5 ch-1 sps,  then in the last chain sp work 3dc sts ch1 1 dc in the same sp.

Row 9: ch4, [work 3 dc sts between the first and the second set of 3dc from the previous row, ch1, continue working [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] in the next 5 ch-1 sps,  then in the last chain sp work 3dc sts ch1 1 dc in the same sp.


Row 10: ch4, [work 3 dc sts between the first and the second set of 3dc from the previous row, ch1, continue working [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] in the next 5 ch-1 sps, then in the last chain sp work 3dc sts ch1 1 dc in the same sp.

Row 11: ch4, [work 3 dc sts between the first and the second set of 3dc from the previous row, ch1, continue working [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] in the next 5 ch-1 sps,  then in the last chain sp work 3dc sts ch1 1 dc in the same sp.

Row 12: ch4, [work 3 dc sts between the first and the second set of 3dc from the previous row, ch1, continue working [3dc in the ch-1 sp, ch 1,] in the next 5 ch-1 sps,  then in the last chain sp work 1dc st.


Left bump

Row 13: ch4, turn and work 3 dc sts in the next ch-1 sp, ch 1, work 3 dc st in the second ch-1 sp, ch1 work 1 dc in the same sp.


Row 14: ch 4, turn and work 3 dc sts in the next ch-1 sp, ch 1, and work 1 dc st in the next ch-4 sp. Cut the yarn and fasten off.


Right bump

Row 13 : attach the yarn in the first ch-4 sp of row 12, ch4, work 3dc sts in the first ch-1 sp, ch1, work 3dc sts in the second ch-1 sp, ch 1, dc in the same sp.

Row 14: ch4, turn the work, work 3dc st in the first ch-1 sp, ch 4,sl st in the ch-4 sp of the previous row. Cut the yarn, fasten off and weave the ends in.



You can make the border in the same color you worked the coaster or you can change to any color you desire.

Beginning cluster: Start working the border in the middle of the row 12, in the ch-1 space that is empty. Attach the yarn and work 4ch sts.  (yo, insert hook in 3rd ch form the hook, yo, pull through the ch, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook) 3 times. Now you have 4 loops on the hook and we will YO around the same ch-1 sp, pull through all 4 lps on hook, to complete the 2Double crochet cluster,ch 1. (see photoes)


Ch 3, (yo, insert hook in the st we worked around ch-1 s, yo, pull through st, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook) 3 times, Now you have 4 loops on the hook and we will YO around the edge ch st of the next row, pull through all 4 lps on hook, to complete the 2Double crochet cluster, ch 1.


Continue working each cluster in the ch st of the previous row, making the last YO around the edge of the next row.

When you get to the bottom row, where we started our cluster, work two cluster stitches in the ch5 ring to make the turn. Continue working one cluster on the edge of each row around, joining with a sl st in the first cluster.


Fasten off and weave the ends in.

Easy Crochet Mug Warmer – crochet gift idea

This pattern is so easy and fast to work. I decided to make it for my favorite coffee cup, which is not a large one. I usually dring my long espresso in it, but also my cappucinnos. You can adjust any size you want since the pattern is so easy. I still consider it to be one of my best choises for crocheted gifts ideas.


Use any kind of yarn you have but make sure to use the right size for the crochet hook.

First you need to measure the circumference of the cup you want to make. Chain the number of stitches to measure the size of your cup less two inches.

Row 1: hdc in the tird chain from the hook, hdc in the next ch, contiue working one hdc in each chain till the end of the row.


Row 2: ch2, turn the work and hdc in the first stitch in the back loop only. Continue working one hdc back loop only in every stitch to last stitch of the row, only in the last stitch work a normal hdc in both loops.


Repeat row 2 as much as you need according to size of your cup. For my cup I needed 7 rows.

Don’t cut the yarn, but sl st on the side till the you get under the upper side of your cup handle.



Start chaining 15 ch stitches or the number you need to go around button.


Measure the side you worked your sl sts and work a sc there.


Ch 1 and turn the work and work 15 sc sts (or as many as you need) around the chains cord.

Sew the button on the other side of your work.

And voila!


Beautiful Crochet Snowflakes – crochet gift idea

This crochet snowflakes pattern uses fairly simple stitches. What’s more, if you do mess up on one of them, you won’t have t o unravel hours and hours worth of work. That’s why I consider it the best easy and great crocheted gift idea.


Want the ad-free, easy to print PDF? Find pattern and many other patterns for a small price HERE.

Start by making a Ch 6, then sl st to the first ch st to form a ring.

Row 1: Ch 6 (ch 3 counts as our first tr plus ch-3 sp), ch 3 again,[ 1trc, ch3] repeat until you have 8 tr sts and 8ch-3 sps .  Join with a sl st in the tird chain of the chains st from the beginning of the round. (Note: don’t forget to count the first ch sts as the first tr st.)

Row 2: Ch1, 5 sc sts in each ch-3 sp around, join with a sl st in the first sc of the round.


Row 3: [ch 5, sk 4 sts, sl st in the 5th st (right above the tr st), ch 7, sl st in the same st] repeat to the end of the round.

Row4: sl st to the midle of ch-5 sp, sc, ch 3, sc in the ch-7 loop, ch5 sl st in the same loop, ch 7 sl st in the loop, ch5, sc  in the same loop, ch 3, sc st in the midle of ch-5 sp of previous round, repeat to the end of the round, join with a sl at the beginning sc st of the round.

Fasten off and weave the ends in.


Be sure to pin these patterns to your crochet stitch tutorials on Pinterest!

